
And, finding there was greater happiness and peace and rest for me, I sought for the blessings of the fathers, and the right whereunto I should be ordained to administer the same (Abraham, vs 2)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Words Mean Something: One

Words mean something. Look at the word "one" in these verses.

9 And it came to pass that he saw ONE descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his luster was above that of the sun at noon-day. (1 Nephi 1)

For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread. (1 Corinthians 10:17)

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; (Ephesians 4:4)

I and my Father are one:John 10:30; ( D&C 50:43; )

Jesus prayed that all may be one as he and his Father are one:John 17:11–23; ( 3 Ne. 19:23; )

I beseech you that there be no divisions among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together: 1 Cor. 1:10;

Be determined in one mind and in one heart, united in all things:2 Ne. 1:21;
Saints should have their hearts knit together in unity:Mosiah 18:21;

Jesus prayed for unity among his Nephite disciples:3 Ne. 19:23;

The disciples were united in mighty prayer and fasting:3 Ne. 27:1;

The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are one:D&C 20:27–28; ( D&C 35:2; D&C 50:43; )

And verily I say unto you, that the conditions of this law are these: All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations, that are not made and entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, of him who is anointed, both as well for time and for all eternity, and that too most holy, by revelation and commandment through the medium of mine anointed, whom I have appointed on the earth to hold this power (and I have appointed unto my servant Joseph to hold this power in the last days, and there is NEVER BUT ONE on the earth at a time on whom this power and the keys of this priesthood are conferred), are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead. (D&C 132:7)

Gives a new meaning to having no divisions among us. Be united. Be One. Which is a name for God. for "he saw ONE descending out of the midst of heaven" So it goes from "Powers of Heaven" to singular Power of Heaven when Zion is formed because Christ is among them and they are One.

If your unfamiliar with that word phrase 'Power of heaven" and "the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of heaven" than you should re-read this post.

Priesthood is always a relationship between man on earth and the "powers" or hosts of heaven. These angelic or heavenly beings were those who escorted men to the first heavenly Zion (Moses 7: 27), and will do so again. 

For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles [angels] be gathered together. (Matthew 24:28)

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