
And, finding there was greater happiness and peace and rest for me, I sought for the blessings of the fathers, and the right whereunto I should be ordained to administer the same (Abraham, vs 2)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

True Messengers: False Prophets

Traits Of False Prophets
1. They preach that which they term to be the word of God. (Alma 1:3)
2. They teach that every priest and teacher ought to become popular. (Alma 1:3)
3. They teach they ought not to labor with their hands. (Alma 1:3)
4. They teach they ought to be supported by the people. (Alma 1:3)
5. They accept support and money from the people. (Alma 1:5)
6. They wear very costly apparel. (Alma 1:5)
7. They enforce their priestcraft and destroy those who threaten it. (Alma 1:12)
8. They follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! (Ezekiel 13:3, Jacob 7:4-7)
9. All their works they do for to be seen of men (Matt 23:5)
10. They love the uppermost rooms at feasts. (Matt 23:6)
11. They love the chief seats in the synagogues. (Matt 23:6)
12. They love receiving greetings in the markets. (Matt 23:7)
13. They love to be called of men, Prophet, Prophet. (Matt 23:7)
14. They prevent others from entering the kingdom of heaven (Matt 23:13)
15. They will not enter into the kingdom of heaven themselves. (Matt 23:13)
16. They neglect the widows, the poor, and the orphans. (Matt 23:14)
17. They are deeply concerned with seniority and hierarchy. (John 8:9)
18. They are blind seers. (2 Nephi 27:5)
19. They teach with their learning, and deny the Holy Ghost (2 Nephi 28:4)
20. They deny the power of God, and teach that he hath given his power unto men. (2 Nephi 28:5)
21. A false prophet will build up a church, but not unto the Lord. (2 Nephi 28: 3)
22. A false prophet will contend with others and teach with his learning, instead of with the Holy Ghost. (2 Nephi 28:4)
23. A false prophet will discredit miracles. (2 Nephi 28: 6)
24. A false prophet will teach us to not worry about a little sin. (2 Nephi 28:7-8)
25. A false prophet will teach false, vain, and foolish doctrines. He will have a big ego. He will seek to hide his counsels from God and hide his works from the people (no transparency). (2 Nephi 28:9)
26. A false prophet will be popular. The people will support him. (Luke 6:26, Helaman 13:27-28)
27. A false prophet will not tell people of their sins. (Lamentations 2:14, Helaman 13:27)
28. A false prophet will cause people to build up many churches. (Mosiah 11:5-13, 4 Nephi 1:34)
29. A false prophet will teach for doctrine the commandments of men (Isaiah 29:13-14, Mark 7:5-9)
30. A false prophet sets himself up as a light to the world, to get gain and the praise of the world, but seeks not Zion. (2 Nephi 26:29)
31. A false prophets will be known by his fruits (Matthew 7:16-20)
32. A false prophet may prophesy, cast out devils, and do many wonderful works (Matthew 7:21-23)33. The power of God shall be denied (Mormon 8:28)
34. They will be prideful (Mormon 8:28)
35. They will envy others with higher positions - even their own churches (Mormon 8:28)
36. They will lie, deceive, etc. (Mormon 8:31)
37. They will require money from the people to be in good standing with the Lord (Mormon 8:32)
38. They will use their church to produce a profit (Mormon 8:33)
39. They will wear fine apparel (and/or have personal handlers that drive them around in a brand new Audi that is rotated yearly) (Mormon 8:36)
40. They will adorn their churches (Mormon 8:37)
41. They will not openly testify of having received Christ (Mormon 8:38)
42. They will be hyper-concerned with the outward appearance of themselves and other people (Matthew 23:27-28)
43. They will cast out/"stone" those who are prophets (Matthew 23:37)
44 They (who are not witnesses) will persecute true prophets (defined here as God's "witness")
45 They, like true prophets, command men to obey their teachings
46 They always arise to oppose true prophets
47 They prophesy so very near the truth that they will deceive almost the very chosen ones.
48 They are worse off than a fallen true prophet (at least Joseph would rather be the latter) (See Joseph Smith Jr., May 12 1844)
They teach they ought to be supported by the people. (Alma 1:3)(Mosiah 11:6)
They speak vain and flattering words. (Mosiah 11:7)
Their followers idolize them. (Mosiah 11:7)
They build elegant and spacious buildings; and ornament them with fine work of all manner of precious things. (Mosiah 11:8-9)
They cause all manner of fine work within the walls of the temple. (Mosiah 11:10)
They build seats set apart for the high priests, which are above all the other seats. (Mosiah 11:11)
They build pulpits that they might rest their bodies and their arms upon while they should speak lying and vain words. (Mosiah 11:11)
They build large buildings near the temple to overlook the land (Mosiah 11:12)

Prophets Role
The "prophet's role" is always to cry repentance. Priests may preside, and kings may rule, but the "prophet's voice" is always crying repentance. "Prophets" have almost never presided over a congregation (other than occasionally a small inner-circle). They always speak from the sidelines crying for a return to God's ways. (1 Nephi 10:8) Even when there were cities who repented in response to the message of repentance, the "prophets" who gathered them taught repentance and left it to the assembly to govern themselves. As the gospel was originally preached to Adam, every "prophet" from that day until now has simply been restoring what was once here. "Prophets" fight the law of entropy. Mankind keep losing truths and "prophets" keep bringing them back. When Christ states that "all the 'prophets' from Samuel and those that followed after" had "testified of Christ" this is more than rhetoric. They became "prophets" by reason of the Lord having appeared and spoken to them; having testified of Himself to them. Therefore their status as "prophets" and their witness of Him were coequal. They knew Him. They could testify of what they knew, heard and saw, rather than what they believed to be true from what others had said. (Nephi 20: 24)

True Messengers
A "True Messenger" instructs on how to reconnect with God. Although Joseph Smith revealed many previously unknown things, his ministry was devoted primarily to bringing others into fellowship with God. "True Messengers" bring others into harmony with God.The ordinances, scriptures, revelations, and teachings restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith were not intended to titillate, but to instruct on how to reconnect with God. A "True Messenger" shares everything about how you can "come and see" the LORD. (John 1: 46.) It is His "voice" whenever He sends a true messenger, empowered with a message from Him. It is not His "voice" when the messenger has not been sent or empowered with a message from Him. (Isaiah 53:6.) We should refuse all the imitations, all the deceptions, all those who pretend to speak truth, and instead demand that "true messengers" be sent from whom we can be taught further light and knowledge. (1 Nephi 14: 10.) However, it is unlikely you will entertain a "true messenger" when you are deliberately in a state of rebellion against God. 

False Prophets
"False prophets" will point you to themselves, to their great works, wonderful accomplishments, and the pride you should take in following them. "False prophets" are those who will speak of riches here, and suggest God's favor can be measured by success in this world. The enemy of your soul does not create a new religion, but immitates the true one. The Lord's messenger will be mirrored bythe adversary's, but the reflected image will be reversed. Those who follow the image will find themselves descending, while they think they are ascending to God. Hence the name: "the Deceiver." He deceives, and even mirrors God's angels by the claim to be an "angel of light" while spreading darkness. The difference between truth and error does not lie in the difference between religion and irreligion, but instead between true religion which will save, and false religion which cannot save. If it were any less a test, the very elect would not be deceived in the last days. Unless there are "false prophets" claiming they are authorized by God to preach false and idle messages, God cannot send true ones to declare the truth. The opposition of the one is required for the other. The test is given so you may identify both true and "false prophets". You must choose. (3 Nephi 14: 15-20.)

The Deceiver
The "Deceiver"deceives, and mirrors God's image and angels by the claim to be an "angel of light" while spreading darkness.The Lord's messenger will be mirrored by the adversary's, but the reflected image will be reversed. Those who follow the image will find themselves descending, while they think they are ascending to God. The Deceiver's false prophets will point you to themselves, to their great works, wonderful accomplishments, and the pride you should take in following them. The Lord's will point you to Him and preach repentance. The false prophets will speak of riches here, and suggest God's favor can be measured by success in this world. The Lord will speak only of riches in another world which are only obtained through the sacrifice of all things here. Eternal life is to know Him. (John 17: 3.) This means to come into His presence again. (Ether 3: 19.) These things are the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Anyone who teaches otherwise is in error and a deceiver.

 False Doctrines
"False doctrines" include omission of important truths. (2 Nephi 28: 10-12) A person can be sincere, honest and devout, but if they preach "false doctrine", Nephi condemns them. There is simply no excuse to justify preaching what is untrue or incomplete. Those doctrines will lead others to hell. Therefore, they are false ministers in the service of darkness. The preacher of false doctrine is condemned because they are leading others away from God. Those, who in their pride, use the precepts of men as the basis for their "preaching false doctrines," are not just wrong, they are damned for this perversion of the religion entrusted to them to preach in purity and truth. (See 2 Nephi 28: 15.)

"Priestcraft" is whenever someone delivers a new message that does not include knowledge about how the audience may come to God themselves, especially if the message makes others dependent on the messenger. It is foolishness to separate information about the Lord's doings from instruction on how to become redeemed. It is vanity to spread new, and personal revelation about theafterlife, God, man, prophecy, visionary encounters, and spiritual experiences if the primary reason does not focus on instructing howthe audience can come to God themselves. It is also dangerous to trust teachings which fail to give you guidance on how you can find God for yourself. If all that is delivered is a message about some great experience, the experience was not intended for you. It isthe way to find God that will save you. Not someone else's new, and exciting spiritual manifestation. Still people will go to great trouble, and spare no effort to find someone who will only give a titillating peek behind the veil, but who will do nothing to instruct you on how you can meet God here, be redeemed from the fall of man, and come back into God's presence.

Pandering for popularity is at the heart of "priestcraft". (3 Nephi 21: 26.) "Priestcrafts" are where people seek approval of the world but not the best interest of Zion. (2 Ne. 26: 29; 3 Nephi 21: 19-20.) Any man who tries to put himself between you and heaven, claiming that he alone should be the source of your religious beliefs and education, is practicing "priestcraft" and will inthe end lead both himself and you to damnation. (The process is everything - the answer is nothing.) Our church, if the Book of Mormon is true, is filled with corruption and "priestcraft". The obligation to hold up a light is circumscribed by His direction that He "is the light which ye shall hold up." Nothing and no one else. He is the lifeline. Therefore, when you offer, preach, teach, exhort and expound, He must be at the center of this prophesying, or you are engaging in "priestcraft". (2 Nephi 26: 29; 3 Nephi 18: 24-25.)

"Soothsayers" are those involved in "Soothsaying", which typically involves predictions made using means other than true prophecy.You should apply the definition to all modern applications: in business, government, economics, weather--especially long-term weather, politics, etc. (3 Nephi 21: 15-18.)

Destroyed Vs Swept Away
A people are "destroyed" when they lose control over their government. Their ability to preserve their own values, and choose theway they are governed is taken over by others. Most often it is from a different ethnic group, though not always. Once people are "destroyed" they are oppressed and suffer. Often they are oppressed with grievous taxes, and have religious liberties removed. Then they face a choice: Either repent, in which case they come through the period of oppression with another chance. Or, if they are angry and rebellious, they will then be "swept away." Being "destroyed" is not at all the same as being "swept away." It is possible for people to have been "destroyed" and not even realize it. But when "swept away" they face extinction, and cannot help but notice it.

Committing "whoredoms" and teaching false doctrines are an equivalent in some Book of Mormon passages. That is, you are "whoring" after other false gods, and betraying the true Lord God Almighty, when you preach false doctrines which assure you, in your pride, that you are safe, elect, chosen and better than others. All those who preach false doctrines, and all those who commit "whoredoms" commit similar offenses. Because to leave the Lord and follow after another false source for salvation - a false god - is often described as committing "whoredoms". The Lord chose and established Israel. He would remain committed to them, although they went "whoring" after other gods. (See 3 Nephi 20: 24.)

2nd Definition for "Whoredoms". You do NOT need to hire a prostitute to be practicing "whoredoms" Utah is one of the largest consumers of pornography in the US. (See 3 Nephi 16:10.) Even the improper taking of an additional wife is called "whoredoms and an abomination" by the Lord. (Jacob 2: 28.) Those who proceed in our dispensation in the absence of the Lord's direct command to them are included among those the Lord described as gentiles filled with "whoredoms, and of secret abominations." (3 Ne. 16: 10.) If you guess wrong by taking multiple wives, your mistake is called "whoredoms" and "an abomination" and will condemn you. Adultery is the top reason for temple marriages breaking up in many LDS stakes.

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