Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Message to All: Part 4: To My Fellowship Family

Note: This series was inspired by my recent ALS diagnosis. See Part 1 intro. 

What are Fellowships:
First since this is public let me explain what a Fellowship is. 

Fellowships were inspired for a way to mirror something in the heavens and structured in a way to allow the people who worship God to become as a family, to become as one, to take care of those who stand in need and to mourn with those that mourn. It's essentially home church. 

It is not a church but just a group of believers that wish to worship God in their own homes as the people did in New testament times. Loosely structured and free to do what each is felt led to do. No man above another. 

I've met many people on my spiritual path that I have bonded with and created intimate relationships with but there are only a few  that I have consistently fellowshipped with that I regard as my family. They don't replace my family for my immediate family is always my focus and love but they are those who seek to become as part of the family of God. They don't replace my blood family, brothers and sisters. 

I've known many of these people for 7 years. Zion can only be created by those who become the family of God. This is because unless you have that intimate relationship as "brothers and sisters and indeed" (TC 157) you can never arrive at where God is now. A hierarchical structure is Aaronic in nature. That's given to pour out destruction's and judgments upon the inhabitants of the Earth (Paraphrasing Joseph) and Melchizedek is given to extend blessings to the children of men however you have to follow the laws associated with a higher order in order to obtain those blessings. Even though Aaronic priesthood is a lesser priesthood, it is still given to offer repentance, baptism and the ministry of angels. Angels responsibilities are to declare repentance unto the children of men else there is no faith (LE Moroni 7) therefore if people follow this lower-order they can rise up to obtain the high order.

Aaronic is an association with men and an association with angels. Melchizedek is an association with God or Christ and God the Father. And by that association you are ministered with is the association you have (per the hyrum quote in Part1). Keep in mind some are not ministered to till their dying days like Stephen being stoned to death or Josephs brother who died early. 

Anytime something is based off an hierarchical structure you can know by that sign it is something of a lower order because the people couldn't come together in a way to become one. 

Enoch, who brought Zion, only calling we're told of was a teacher. That is because all people are to become equal therefore they must all take equal responsibility according to their strengths. But this has been explained elsewhere so I'll leave it at that.

To My Fellowship Family:
We have mourned together, we have cried together we have poured burdens upon each other because your burdens are my burdens and my burdens are your burdens. We seek to become one. 

You have brought me much comfort in these hard times. You've been there many times when I needed you. I have seen what tithing money that is used as originally intended for the poor can do to make all those "among us" as equals in both spiritual and temporal means so that the manifestations of the spirit may be given unrestrained.

Hundreds of thousands have been donated to take care of each other. You have shown me what the fruits of the gospel was meant to bring. Blessing single mothers to be able to take care of their families. 

I pray and hope that this people can bring again Zion and New Jerusalem temple which could occur in this generation. So few have succeeded that it may not for us as well. However I know we will gain experience through it all even if God decides to find another people.

If we do fail let it be not as those who went before but learn from their experiences paving the way for others to learn from and take a step further than towards God path. I love each and every one of you. I know each of you want to be there for me and have offered and devastated for the sad news. 

We know not what the future holds but I know the Lord will continue to guide us. And this generation will see some marvelous things along with great wickedness as the spirit of God continues to withdrawal from the wickedness of the world.

I know things can be hopeless at times seeing the imperfections of men but with God all things are possible. We can take the weak things of the world and make them strong. Don't ever loose that sense of humor. And the chillant personalities which each has in their own way. The path to God can be lonely at times but that humor really can bring great relief in times of distress. Its been a great relief to me.

Maybe I can visit with you from the other side assuming I'm allowed to 🤣. Of course my family and kids takes priority.

June 3, 2017: Provo Canyon Meetup:
I felt to post my journal entry from this day. Many of us, being in different states, met up in Provo Canyon. It was a great experience. I loved how we decided to draw sticks, like old testament times, to decide who was to bless the sacrament to help promote equality. The paragraphs below are from my journal. 

"My fellowship met up Provo canyon for a bon fire and to talk and to just meet up. We talked, had dinner, discussed signs and how nothing is random and how we should pay attention to them. Chatted about mundane things. It was a great time.

As we were preparing to leave the moon had a large halo around it. Pondering it while I drove home I asked two questions.

What does it represent? The halo represents God's work or ordinances among man and how the moon radiates a greater light and all those within the halo have accepted or heard gods words and are benefeiting from the light that imnates from the moon and outward (insde the halo). Only those within the halo receive benefit, those all could receive it if they wished, those who see it but not within it. 

The second question I don't remember word for word but it was something like, Why was it given? It was given as a sign to us of God's work with us or groups of people. It was a sign to our fellowship. I also noticed as I drove home, it could not be seen in SLC nor tooele county areas so the sign rested above provo canyon where we were staying."

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